Coarse Section
1. Full Membership will only be granted to persons in permanent residence on the Furness Peninsula when applying to the Committee via the Membership Secretary.
2. A Joining Fee of £30 will be paid by successful applicants for first time membership. Seniors Only.
3. There will be a limit of approximately 700 full Members (400 Seniors, 300 Juniors).
4. Membership Subscriptions will be due from 1st March each year. Membership will run for 12 months from 1st April. Any Member not renewing his Membership by 1st April must not fish and must re-apply and pay the Joining Fee. Applications for Permits will only be accepted between 1st March and 31st October inclusive, each year.
5. Full Membership of the Section includes membership of the Association.
6. Full Senior Members are entitled to one vote at any Annual General, Extraordinary or Special Meeting of the Section.
7. Full Senior Members are entitled to stand for Committee or any official position of the Section.
8. Associate memberships will be available at any time to people living outside the full membership catchment area, but only at the discretion of the Committee. Associate Members can only use 1 rod.
9. Any person wishing to be elected to a Committee position which entails the handling of money, must have previously served one full term on the Committee, with the exception of the Match Secretary.
10. Associate members may not stand for Committee or hold any official position of the section or vote, and will be subject to the same rules and disciplinary procedures as full members.
11. Associate Membership will only be valid for that Coarse Fishing season for which they were issued.
12. Day tickets will be available, but only on a limited number of Section Waters.
13. The Committee, at their discretion, may withdraw the sale of Day Tickets.
14. Members will be liable to pay any bank charges + a £5.00 administration fee for their own cheques which do not clear.
15. Members must always carry their permits and should produce them on request.
16. Any member of the Association’s waters must comply with the Environment Agency Licence rules.
17. One rod per permit unless multi rod licence is purchased
18. Any person who is 16 years of age before 1st April or purchase a permit after their 16th birthday will be deemed a Senior Member.
19. It is required that all junior members state their date of birth when applying for membership.
20. Subscriptions to the Section shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting.
21. No dogs, litter, tents, fires or wilful damage, or radios. No trespassing, leaving gates open, or doing anything detrimental to farmers, landowners or the Association.
22. No guns, wading or boating allowed on Association waters without the sanction of the committee.
23. Alcoholic drinks are prohibited on all Section waters (See Rule 60).
24. It shall be understood that all Club activities are voluntary and that the Association shall not be held responsible for any damage or injuries sustained.
25. If any member is found in breach of these rules or in any manner shall misconduct themselves or fail to give consideration to other anglers, they will be disciplined by the Section Committee. They will retain the right of appeal to the Executive Committee in the event of any action being taken against them by the Section Committee for the avoidance of doubt discipline may mean expulsion.
26. Any proposed alteration to these Section rules must be forwarded to the Secretary, in writing, not less than 14 days prior to the General Meeting at which such proposed alterations are to be considered, and no alteration shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called for the purpose.
All motions for the alteration or rescinding of existing Rules, or adopting of new rules, must be carried by the majority of the members present and voting.
27. The Committee shall have the power to deal with any question not covered by these Rules, but any member wishing to protest against the ruling of the Committee shall forward his protest in writing , accompanied by the signatures of not less than 25 members to the Secretary who shall then call a Special General Meeting of Members.
28. All complaints to be made to the Secretary in writing.
29. The acceptance of these rules is a condition of membership.
30. All under 14 year old's must not fish unaccompanied on all section waters.
31. Junior members must not fish dusk till dawn, unless accompanied by a Senior Member. No more than 2 Juniors to 1 Senior.
32. Members should not carry out work around the ponds without prior authorisation from the Committee.
33. ORMSGILL RESERVOIR – Bird Feeding Area. No fishing from the bank or casting baits into the area between the first fishing station at the rear of Rezacraft on the Schnieder Road bank, and the sign on Devonshire Rd bank. No fishing from Devonshire Road bank. Explained here.
34. No fishing from bank below Rita car park.
35. Members must clear their chosen swim of litter prior to fishing and keep it clean. Any member failing to comply with this rule or leaving litter on their swim will be severely dealt with by the Committee.
36. Members fishing High Pond for more than 24 hours must vacate the pond within 48 hours and must not return within 24 hours.
37. Members must only set up their tackle and fish in one swim when fishing all Section Waters. Explained here.
38. Members fishing for Pike must use a wire trace and must be equipped with disgorger. A wire trace must be used when lure fishing for any species.
39. Coarse fish and Eels cannot be removed from any water (See Rule 61).
40. Only Roach, Rudd, Perch and Pike may be used for live bait for Pike, and must be used on the same day and same water where caught. It is prohibited to take a fish away for use as live or dead bait at a later date.
41. Keepnets shall be a minimum size of 3 metres long x 45cm diameter and of a knotless type. The well being of any retained fish shall be the responsibility of the captor. Every angler must carry a landing net and have it assembled ready for use before starting fishing.
42. Carp or F1's must not be kept in Carp Sacks or keepnets, except when being retained for potential Section record purposes, when Carp safe Sacks or flotation slings can be used for short periods for verification by a member of the Committee, with the exception of officially sanctioned matches held on low pond. Flotation Slings cannot be used on Ormsgill Reservoir.
43. Claims for record fish will be accepted for fish caught throughout the year
44. Waters where matches are to be held shall be closed 3 hours prior to a match and re-open 1 hour after the match.
45. The use of lead weights in any form from size 6 shots to 1oz. inclusive is banned. Only non-toxic substitute to be used.
46. Any member who leaves his swim must withdraw his rod and line from the water (for the purposes of this rule, a walking distance of more than 10 metres will be classed as leaving the swim). Any member who intends to sleep at his peg must be equipped with electronic alarms.
47. Members who intend to leave their swim for more than 2 hours must completely vacate their swim.
48. Any member wishing to enter a specimen fish for the Section Records, must have it witnessed by a Committee Member.
49. Members fishing for Carp or Pike must be equipped with a suitable unhooking mat.
50. Anglers are restricted to the use of one hook per rod, except when fishing for Pike, dead baiting or lure fishing.
51. Only barbless hooks to be used, with the exception of Nos. 4, 6, 8 and 10, where Microbarb hooks may be used. Treble hooks, used for dead-baiting, should be either semi-barbed (2 barbless and 1 barbed for hooking the bait) or have all of their barbs crushed. Hooks on lures must have all of their barbs crushed.
52. No glass bottles/jars or tins allowed on any section water.
53. No bait boats are to be used on Section waters.
54. Juniors of 10 years of age or younger may only use one rod and must be accompanied by an adult or senior member on all Section waters.
55. Anglers must NOT fish in amongst spawning fish.
56. Members must not use any pathway, peg, stile or steps which have been damaged and become unsafe. The damage must be reported to a member of the committee as soon as possible.
57. Fish Finders / Echo Sounders must not be used on Section Waters.
58. No pre-baiting High Pond, Burn Hole, Lowpond or Rita
59. When fishing the Causeway on High Pond, no more than three bivvies'/brolly camps at any one time.
60. Any member found to be guilty of littering, or being under the influence of alcohol, or being in possession of alcohol whilst fishing or visiting Section's waters will receive an automatic ban from membership for a minimum period of one year. Any member who re-offends will receive a 5 year ban. A 3rd offence will result in permanent exclusion from the Section.
61. Any member found guilty of moving fish illegally into, out of, or between any of the club waters will be permanently excluded from the Section.
62. Re-admission to the section at the expiry of any ban will be at the discretion of the committee.
63, No fixed method or pellet feeders to be used on any section water.
64, Junior Members can only fish a maximum of x2 rod
65, The twig is banned from all waters
66, Low Pond can only be fished Dawn to Dusk - NO NIGHT FISHING ALLOWED ON LOW POND